The Best of 2011

Happy (almost) New Years!!

2011 has been an amazing year for me. I gave birth to the sweetest baby boy. I started working as an editor. I was published in a "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book. I moved to a beautiful new house. I started writing regularly on Sleeping Is For Losers after leaving UrbanMoms...and people followed me over and actually read this blog! I was chosen as one of the top 25 Canadian Mom Blogs and nominated for a Weblog award and a Canadian Blog Award. We have really been blessed, and we know it.

So, because I know that most of you are going to be sitting on your butt, just like me tonight, eating takeout and watching some dumb movie (ok, it probably is just me, but humour me, right?). For your reading pleasure, right before midnight of course, here are some of my favourite posts of 2011:

Blogging Is The New Black - I shared my (really) (limited) knowledge about blogging and people really seemed to enjoy it!

Sunday Sanity Saving Tip - I really need to get back to posting these! PSAs people!

When You Miscarry - This was the hardest post for me to write, but I am so glad that I opened up. I received over THIRTY emails from people who had gone through the same thing. I am so sad that so many of you have had to go through the same thing, but I am honoured that you felt that you could reach out to me and share that pain.

I Cut My Hair!! - This was a big freakin' deal for me. I'm glad I tried shorter hair but I can't wait for it to grow back out. Goodness, I miss my long hair!

About Insecurity - I really put myself out there for this one, and I'm glad I did. 

The Green Smoothie Video - Man, this video was popular. Green smoothies are fact I think I'll pop out to the store today and grab some spinach so we can make one today!

Breath Of Heaven- I may have just written this, but it came from my heart and that, my friends, is the whole point of blog writing.

Thanks for reading in 2011. I have no idea what 2012 will hold, but I can't wait to find out:)

Breath of Heaven

Breath of heaven
Hold me together

I've thought a lot about Mary the past few days. The mother of Jesus. The woman (girl, really) chosen to usher the Son of Man into the world as a baby. Greatest honour, but greatest fears realized.
I wonder if she really understood the enormity of the task that was set before her. If she was able to fully comprehend what it meant to be carrying Jesus and raising Him as her own. Did she have any idea the pain that was to come. The sacrifice He was going to make. The tears that she would shed over Him.  Did she feel overwhelmed at the thought or was it all like a strange dream.

Be forever near me

Breath of Heaven

Did she call out to God and beg Him for patience and guidance when she felt overwhelmed. Did she sob along with her baby when He was born or stare at Him with wonder and awe? Was she scared, giving birth all alone in a strange city? Did she feel the comfort of God, knowing that all would be right and as it should? Did peace overcome all the other emotions that she was bound to feel as a new mother?

Breath of heaven

Light up my darkness

Did Mary ever wish she wasn't bestowed the task of being the mother of our Lord? Did she ever hope that this "cross" would be taken from her? Or did she relish every moment of the time she had with her baby Jesus? Did she long for someone to take over and let her sleep? Did she wish that she could just curl up in a ball and not hear those wails- begging for food or comfort? Did she ever wish that time could stand still? Were her tears salty with frustration or joy?

Pour over me your holiness

For you are holy

Was Mary a mother just like me? Did she wonder what Jesus' future would look like? Did she pray for him nightly? Did she watch her baby sleep, knowing that He wouldn't be hers forever? Did she love so much that it hurt? Did she look at Him and know that, without a doubt, there is a real and true God who loves us all more than we could ever imagine? Did she fear her ability to properly raise her Son to be what God wanted him to be?

Breath of Heaven

Did she realize that everything she gave up to be the mother of Jesus would mean so much to those of us who believe? 
Did she know the eternal impact she was making on the world, on believers, on me? 

Mid-Week Confessions

I found this awesome link-up from Saige Wisdom (love that blog!). My confessions:

  • I was done Christmas shopping weeks ago, but I can't find some of the presents that I bought for the boys (they're hidden...really well...) so I just bought new stuff.
  • I got my husband a huge tv for our bedroom. It's really a present for me as much as him, so that I can enjoy lying in bed and watching The Real Housewives of.... (take your pick, I watch them all...) and he can play his video games and watch shows on History Channel downstairs.
  • I have a degree in History but I actually don't enjoy history that much. I find it kinda boring. I just happened to have the most credits in History when I switched out of Commerce.
  • We will probably stay in for New Years. We have since I was pregnant with Z and as everyone knows that we don't get nearly as many invites as we used to. No one wants to babysit and my kids DO NOT sleep well if we are out at someone else's house, so we order in food, have some wine, and usually fall asleep before midnight. We are wild party animals, I know!
  • I am slightly obsessed with owls recently. I am finding it really hard to not buy everything I see with an owl on it. I do not understand the source of my obsession (perhaps My Cafe Latte?)
  • I had a bowl of "Loads of Butter Tart" ice cream for dinner last night. My son had a fried egg and carrots and pancakes. Don't ask.
  • I was really close to getting into a parking lot fight yesterday. Someone tried to steal my parking spot and wouldn't budge. I actually took off my seat belt and started to open my car door. They drove off. Lucky for them because I am super tired and (obviously) easily annoyed. (but in actual fact I probably wouldn't have done anything because I'm a big chicken) (and I've never been in a parking lot fight before and don't really want to) (because it sounds like the beginning of a CSI where the mom of two young kids ends up dead in a crowded parking lot with no clues, right???)
  • I have entered two short story contests recently. I don't know where it's all come from- all this fiction has been bubbling up inside me. However, I would never expect to win because my writing isn't that artsy writing that always wins contests.
  • I secretly hope to get something frivolous for Christmas...something that I would never buy for myself...but in reality I'll be happy with new pots and pans.

My Top 10 Must Read Books

Books have always played an important role in my life. There is something about the written word. I am so drawn to character-driven novels that make you feel like you are right there with the characters- feeling, experiencing, wanting- right alongside of them. With all the Christmas buying I've been doing recently, I couldn't help but think about the books that have meant the most to me throughout my life...

1) The Help by Kathryn Stockett- Yes, it's popular and it was turned into a just as popular movie. But it's popular for a reason! This book was such a fantastic read- I literally read it in a day because I couldn't bring myself to put it down. That hasn't happened in a long time.

2) The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill- I've talk about it before, but this hands down my favourite read of all time. Lawrence Hill knows how to weave a tale that is equal parts fascinating, gripping and intriguing. I don't think there is a person who would not enjoy this book.

3) The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood- I was forced to read this for a Canadian lit class in University. It was the best book I've ever read for school...and continues to speak to me in a way that most books cannot. I think, in our ever tech-loving world, this book rings more and more true.

4) Animal Farm by George Orwell- Classic and amazing. I cried when it ended...mostly because I didn't want it to be done. Of all the books on my list, I think I've re-read this one the most.

5) The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini- This book was heavy. Yet amazing. Another author who is able to draw you in and keep you attached to the characters and their journey throughout the entire novel.

6) The Shopaholic Series by Sophie Kinsella- Whatever, it is a great, light series that is fun to read. We all need to have a bit of fun with literature and this delivers (the movie is brutal though, so just read and enjoy the book).

7) Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen- I am so attracted to beautiful stories that are character driven. This fits the bill. 

8) The Birth House by Ami McKay- I need to re-read this because I can't remember all the details, but I remember LOVING this book so much. I'm pretty sure I called it "a rare treasure" when describing it to a friend so, ya, I loved it.

9) The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown- I'll be honest, this is not my favourite genre but I was so drawn in by the tightly woven story with twists and turns at every corner. My husband loved it too, so that says something!

10) The Christy Miller Series by Robin Jones Gunn- When I was a teen I was addicted to this series. It's Christian-based, following the life of Christy Miller as she navigates being a teen and what it means to find yourself and who you want to be.

What would you add to the list?

Awkward Family Christmas Photo

Happy Monday!

This... was the best we could get. Oy.

Merry Christmas?

Someone's in a teapot...

We love to sing, especially Z- however...he's 2.5 years old and, well, some words just don't translate. Case in point ... 
"Frere Jacques" (en francais)

Frère jacques, Frère jacques, 
Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous? 
Sonnez les matines, sonnez les matines 
Ding dang dong, ding dang dong. 
"Frere Jacques" (a la Zach)
Frerer Jackie, Frerer Jackie
Dom es zooooo? Dom es zoooooo?
Someone's in a teapot, Someone's in a teapot?
Dong, dong, dong, ding, dong dong.

...and then the wee one got sick

Funny how life, when it's plodding along just fine, feels the need to smack you upside the head and remind you that you're not invincible, you're not all things, you can't get through everything on your own.  That's just what happened to me last week. Smacked. Big Time.

Hubs has been sick for the better part of three weeks. Admittedly, it's annoying.  Like this, poor baby:

Then Z got sick. He was SICK. I actually can't recall him ever being that sick before- he just sat, like a lump, runny eyes, runny nose, heavy cough. He napped (rejoice!!!!!!). He barely ate (2 freezies and a grape. All day.). It was sad. I bleached and lysoled and took my vitamins and barricaded the baby so as to not expose him.

Then, what I had feared the most happened. My wee W got sick. 5 months old. With a cold to beat all colds. High fever. Lethargic. Runny eyes. Runny nose. A cough so heavy he cringed and winced at even the thought of coughing. I loaded up on tylonel and coffee. Because we were going to hunker down and get through it all.

Then the wheezing started. And the shallow gasps for breath. And the caved in chest. And the look in W's eyes that told me, "something is not ok". I'll fully admit that I was scared. We went to his paediatrician, who sent me straight to the ER. We saw respiratory therapists, paediatricians, ER doctors, had xrays, had consultations, got hooked up to oxygen, almost got hooked up to an IV. Hazmat suits were worn. This wee baby with cords hanging off of him, smiling at every doctor despite his obvious illness, sitting like a lump and only sleeping in my arms. It was certain he was really, really sick.

So we were admitted. They were afraid he would need oxygen and didn't want us rushing back in the middle of the night if his breathing was even more wheezy and shallow. And W and I slept at the hospital. In the same bed (which we've never done) because the cribs they provided were like metal jail cells that creeped the heck out of him (and me). I was woken up to give him puffers every 2-3 hours. He, mercifully, slept through most of the night treatments.

In the morning, we awoke to a dusting of snow and a kicking, smiling, less wheezy, more bouncy baby boy. The doctors had warned me that as quickly as it got bad, it could get good. And that's exactly what ended up happening. He was discharged with puffers (which he hates!!!!!!!) and sent home a new boy. Literally- because somehow he figured out how to sit unassisted and do the army crawl all while we were in the hospital. Go figure.

It's been a scary week. But we're over the hump, I'm happy to say. And my (newly) healthy boys (and husband. FINALLY!) are back to tormenting me on a minute-by-minute basis.

Blogging is the New Black (Part Deux)

I had too much to say about blogging apparently, so I needed another post to get it all out there!!

Can I just say that, once I started blogging and getting readers that weren't related to me (hi mom), I became slightly obsessed with getting new readers. Although I'm no longer in that place, I certainly thought I could share some alternate ways to draw others to your blog!

1) Join "groups"
There are so many "groups" out there in the internet universe that you can join and broaden your readership with. One group that was really useful to me was Mom Bloggers Club. They have a wealth of resources for bloggers and certainly helped introduce me to awesome blogs and introduce awesome bloggers to me. Don't think that there are only groups out there for "mom" bloggers- get googling and find groups out there that allow you to link up with other bloggers who write in your genre- it's an excellent tool for learning and growing as a blogger.

2) Guest Post
I cannot tell you how beneficial this is to you as a blogger. Listen, I personally wouldn't email every "superstar" blogger and beg for a guest post opportunity. However, there are some sites that allow for guest posts (some do it monthly, some do it weekly, etc.) and this is an excellent way to garner new readers and allow you to flex your writing muscles in a different capacity. 
Had I not put myself out there and asked if I could do a guest post on being a new mom, I never would have realized the amazing opportunity I was provided to be a regular blogger for almost 2 years. Yes, it's nerve-wracking to put yourself out there and send your words to someone else for them to "judge" but it can have awesome results.
Some other sites that offer guest posting opportunities include:, Theta Mom, Sweet Mama (they used to, you'll have to double check now though). The list could go on!! Use a guest post opportunity to give blog readers an opportunity to really get to know you and what your blog is all about- and don't be afraid to put yourself out there!!
Alternatively, consider having people occasionally guest post on your blog- it's a mutually beneficial opportunity to undertake with some bloggers you enjoy!

3) Utilize Tools
Google Analytics, SEO, Stat counters, etc. (go ahead and google them if you're not sure what they are- I wasn't!  and I don't use them all). They're all really useful tools that allow you to see who is reading your blog, what they enjoy and when they read. For example, using the stat counter that Blogger provides, I know that my posts are most read in the morning, Facebook and Twitter send the most traffic to my blog, posts such as Top 10 Life Changing Books and When You Miscarry have been shared more than any other. The tools I've utilized have allowed me to get a better understand of what people enjoy reading on my blog and, while it certainly doesn't drive or even change my content, it's good information to have in your back pocket.

4) Attend Blogging Conferences
I have yet to follow this advice but I KNOW it's good advice. I've been pregnant or just given birth during "conference season" over the past two years, but I'm sure I will attend at least one blogging conference in the next year or two. My understanding is that they are about 80% social and 20% learning. Conferences in general offer an excellent opportunity to meet other bloggers, pick brains, connect with those in the know, and generally gain insight you wouldn't have otherwise. 

5) Host a Giveaway
When I first started blogging, I was in love with bibs from Sarita Baby and contacted the owner. Lo and behold, she agreed to host a giveaway (check it out here) on my blog. It was a win-win for both of us and the traffic it drove to my blog was awesome! Providing you enjoy the product and think it's of value to your readers, a giveaway is a fantastic way to bring others to your space.

As always, blogging is an individual sport. What worked for me might not work for you. Or it may. Despite everything I've written here, one of my keys to blogging has been and will always be: Be Yourself. Don't write for others, don't bow to pressure, don't feel boxed in- write what you want to write and readers will come.

Blogging is the New Black (or something like that)

In the past few months I've been asked by at three different friends how to blog effectively.
I'm not a fancy-pants blogger. There are people out there with quadruple my hits on a daily basis. But my blog does well- it's a nice space with awesome readers and it has been growing in the past few months more than I could ever imagine. So, while I'm certainly not the MOST qualified to give advice, I'm dishing it out anyway.

1) Have an idea of what you want your blog to be- but don't box yourself in.
When I started Sleeping Is For Losers, I knew I wanted to write about being a mom to a baby that was exhausting the heck out of me. But it hasn't been SOLEY about that. Decide what the "main" focus of your blog will be but don't be afraid to stray and post about anything that catches your eye and means something to you. In blogging, content is king and most people don't really care who (or what) your content is about as long as it's passionate, real, and meaningful to you.

2) Use social media to garner readers
Social media (ie: Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, etc.) are amazing resources for drawing in readers. Don't worry that you'll alienate people by always posting links to your posts. Do you know how often people post things that I don't bother to read? It's not a big deal! Instead, use it as a tool to market your writing and draw in readers who would otherwise have no idea that you exist. HOWEVER, do not use social media to only pimp your blog. Make sure you're still utilizing it as a way to keep in touch, chat, learn, etc. Just throw your blog posts in there every once in a while. I have garnered more readers through social media then any other source!

3) Read other blogs- and comment!
I don't read as many blogs as I would like, but every time I read a blog post that I like, I comment. It doesn't matter if it's a huge blog or a small, just starting out blog. Comment. You will almost always gain a reader in return! That being said, don't be fake in your comments- comment because you actually have something to say! HOWEVER....

4) Don't get caught up in comments on your blog
I don't get TONS of comments as a general rule. But my per post hits are well into the the thousands. Lots of people don't comment for lots of reasons. Don't let yourself get caught up in this! When someone new does comment on your blog, make sure you either respond or check out their blog (assuming they have one).

5) Use writing prompts!
I don't really use these any more, but writing prompts (and linking up your post) is an awesome way to get people reading your blog!!! Twitter is a great place to hop on board linkups (where you post a link to your blog about a specific topic) and generally gets people noticing your blog!

6) Don't get caught up in the "Free Stuff"
If you are active in social media and have a few followers, PR people will notice. And they will want to give you free stuff. Which is AWESOME. But it's also a bit of a trap that you don't want to get caught up in (unless you want your blog to be a review blog, which is something entirely different and I can't help you with!). Working with brands is great but only do it if the brand means something to you or can add value to your life or the life of your readers. This is different for everyone, but I have chosen to only work with brands/products that I would A) actually use or B) allow me to give back. You make up your own mind-but don't be afraid to say "NO"!

It's great to read other blogs. It's great to see what works for other people. But it is most important to be yourself and write the content YOU want to write!!! You will not have thousands of hits overnight. Let it build slowly. Don't be controversial just to be controversial. Don't write posts just because you think people want to hear about that topic. When you're disingenuous in your writing, people will know. And they won't like it.

8) Just write
That's all. Write. That's the whole point of a blog in the first place. Write your heart out!

2011 Canadian Blog Awards

Ok, you people that read my blog are amazing. I just found out that I was nominated for a Canadian Blog Award for "Best Personal Blog".
Would you take a second and click on the button over there --------------------------------->
and vote for "Sleeping Is For Losers"?
I know what you're thinking...

a) What?? People READ this blog.
b) This girl is nominating herself for these awards

Let me address both:

a) I KNOW! I think the same thing. Since I began writing Sleeping Is For Losers in 2009 I really did it just as an outlet for my thoughts and feelings. I had no idea people would read it. Seriously. And, ya, I have readers who AREN'T related to me. I have readers who have NEVER MET ME! It's shocking to me too!!!

b) I'm not. I swear. I would LOVE to know who is nominating me and give them a big smooshy cyber-kiss. I would say that it's my mom, but she would have no clue how to nominate me (sorry mom, you wouldn't). And my husband swears it's not him. So I'm out of guesses, Whoever you are- you are amazing!!!

As Zach would say, "GRACIOUS" (I think he means, Gracias... but I've already divulged that we're not the best at speaking Spanish up in here!)

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