Vegas Or Bust: Week 1 Update

I've got about 3 weeks to go before I jet off to a kid-free four days in VEGAS!
If you remember from my previous post, I have a short term goal of 5 pounds to lose before Vegas...although inches matter way more and I'm measuring both.

This past week was quite good overall. I am not on a specific 'diet' but I have significantly lowered my whites (sugar, bread, pasta, etc.), been more cognizant of what I am putting into my body (i.e.: not eating off the kids plates!), and exercising at least 5 times a week.

How did I do?
My food was good overall. With the exception of two slices of pizza & some McDs fries, my eating was perfectly clean. We were nowhere near home when I ate the pizza & McDs...I literally did not have alternative options, which was annoying but a fact of life when you're on the go with kids! I'm not willing to starve, so I ate less than I would have liked (haha) but still enjoyed it.
My exercise was also mostly on point. I had 4 days of really good, sweaty exercise. I tried to include an extra day of running on my treadmill, but it just didn't happen this week. Will try to sneak in an extra run during the evenings over this week (even if it means a 10:00 pm run...). My 100 day Burpee challenge is AWESOME. I'm on day 11 today (so...11 burpees) and going strong!

The results?
After one week, I lost 1.6 pounds and 3 inches.
Honestly, I thought I would have lost a few more pounds, but THREE INCHES is awesome in my books, as inches mean way more than pounds!
As I've said before I have to work SO HARD for every pound and inch I lose, and I think that the loss of 1.6 pounds and 3 inches is indicative of the work I put in this week. It also shows me how important it is for me to be so aware of what and how I'm eating.

Plan for this week?
I know I have a busy week with work, so I'm planning on four workouts this week, daily burpees (of course!), and limited carbs/sugars.

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