The Good
We got to see some beautiful animals extremely up close and extremely personal.
And they were gorgeous.
I could have stared at the lions, tigers, jaguars, lynx and bobcats all day long.
I think the lion was hungry for a snack because he took quite a liking to our little Z. Ha.
The Bad
Not to be a complete princess, but please wear full shoes if you ever plan to go. Chris was in sandals and I wore flimsy ballet flats and, well, goose poop got all over our toes. Nasty.
Also, I thought it would be amazing to feed the goats some corn that you can buy at Jungle Cat World. What I didn't count on was being mauled by 8 million goats and Canadian Geese. Like surrounded. I freaked. FREAKED. I grabbed Z's hand and hightailed it outta there. Yelling at Chris to throw the corn in the opposite direction so that I could escape with my babies. Silly.
Luckily, I didn't scare my children. Z ended up feeding goats out of his hand a little later on.
Bottom Line
All in all, it was a good time. There's not THAT much to see- we were only there for an hour and that included Z playing in the park for a while. However, the ability to see these majestic animals closer then I could ever imagine, was well worth the ONE trip.
Best part of the day?
This is from Saturday- Z was chasing Chris around at his Aunty Thea's birthday party. He was meowing and starting yelling "I'm a dirty cat. I'm going to poop on the lawn."
Yup. That's my kid.
Also, I thought it Diablo 3 Itemswould be amazing to feed the goats some corn that you can buy at Jungle Cat World. GW2 GoldWhat I didn't count on was being mauled by 8 million goats and Canadian Geese.