I Wish I Was a Tiger

We went to Jungle Cat World in Orno, Ontario this morning. It was mostly fun.

The Good

We got to see some beautiful animals extremely up close and extremely personal.

And they were gorgeous.
I could have stared at the lions, tigers, jaguars, lynx and bobcats all day long.
I think the lion was hungry for a snack because he took quite a liking to our little Z. Ha.

Good thing Z didn't seem to care that much.

The Bad

Not to be a complete princess, but please wear full shoes if you ever plan to go. Chris was in sandals and I wore flimsy ballet flats and, well, goose poop got all over our toes. Nasty.
Also, I thought it would be amazing to feed the goats some corn that you can buy at Jungle Cat World. What I didn't count on was being mauled by 8 million goats and Canadian Geese. Like surrounded. I freaked. FREAKED. I grabbed Z's hand and hightailed it outta there. Yelling at Chris to throw the corn in the opposite direction so that I could escape with my babies. Silly.

Luckily, I didn't scare my children. Z ended up feeding goats out of his hand a little later on.

Bottom Line
All in all, it was a good time. There's not THAT much to see- we were only there for an hour and that included Z playing in the park for a while. However, the ability to see these majestic animals closer then I could ever imagine, was well worth the ONE trip.

Best part of the day?
This is from Saturday- Z was chasing Chris around at his Aunty Thea's birthday party. He was meowing and starting yelling "I'm a dirty cat. I'm going to poop on the lawn."
Yup. That's my kid.

1 comment:

  1. Also, I thought it Diablo 3 Itemswould be amazing to feed the goats some corn that you can buy at Jungle Cat World. GW2 GoldWhat I didn't count on was being mauled by 8 million goats and Canadian Geese.


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