For the past few months, I have had the pleasure of being part of "Majesta Moms"- a group of mothers who are learning about Majesta, a Canadian company no less, their products, and their commitment to being Environmentally Responsible and Sustainable. I've been able to think about some interesting questions and receive educated responses in turn.
You cannot turn on the television or peruse the aisles at your local grocery store without being bombarded by "GREEN" and "ECO-FRIENDLY" products- a fact which has made me skeptical. Is it just a ploy to raise prices? What constitutes "eco-friendly" or "green"? Realistically, are these companies doing anything to really be environmentally sustainable?
Majesta has introduced us "Majesta Moms" to their products- tissues, toilet paper, and paper towel- and I can honestly say I was impressed. Although I am leery of so-called "green" products and their durability, Majesta stood up to all of Z's spills, my runny nose (perfect timing), and everyone's bathroom needs. Their products are biodegradable, making them easier on your septic tank. They make it a bit easier for me, as a busy mom, to choose products that have less impact on the world my child will live in.
In addition, and most importantly to me, Majesta has become "Treesponsible"- creating a movement to plant more trees. In fact, Majesta is planting THREE trees for every ONE used. In 2010, they hope to plant 1 Million trees.

To enter, visit before June 27th.
Got me thinking about what I would do if I won...bamboo floors, energy efficient stove and fridge, new washer and dryer, new landscaping...the possibilities are endless.
*This post was written in participation with the Mom Central Majesta Mom Spark Group and Blog Tour.*
I'm a fellow Majesta Mom checking in. Children really are the best test for most products aren't they!