Medieval Times {Toronto} Giveaway!

My beautiful boy turned 5 recently and, to celebrate, his dad and I took him to Medieval Times in Toronto.

One of Z's friends had been and could not stop talking about how amazingly fun it was.

Z had been obsessing over going as well - he poured over his friend's program from Medieval Times, talked to me about knights and horses, asked questions about kings and queens, and occasionally begged for the opportunity to be "just like Conner" and go to Medieval Times.

So, with his 5th birthday right around the corner, it seemed like the perfect time to grant his wish. (and, secretly, my wish as well- this former History major has a bit of a thing for knights, kings, queens and jousting!)

So, what did we think?


I can say with all honesty that my son, his dad and I have never had so much fun.

So, what did we love?

From the moment you enter the "castle" you are transported back in time. I've never been called "m'lady" well...ever, but this place "m'lady"ed the heck out of me!
My view upon entering the "castle"
The "storyline" is amazing. My son, especially, was drawn into the story of a king, his daughter, and valiant knights  - every effort was made to ensure that they did not break character and that the storyline moved along at a fast pace.
The king and princess address their valiant knights...
 We sat in the front row which was, by far, the best place to sit. The horses, the knights, the action were right in front of our noses. That being said, I couldn't find a bad seat in the house- no matter where you are seated!
This look- the whole time. He couldn't drink it all in fast enough.

 This might have been the biggest shock of all but the food was so good!!!!!!  I mean, we chowed down, starting the meal with "dragon's blood" (otherwise known as soup), moving on to ribs, chicken, roasted potato and garlic bread, and ending the meal with a tasty pastry.
We used our fingers for everything which made the the experience even more "authentic". Even my kid, the one who hates meat, went to town on this meal.

Yum! The parents sitting beside us split a bottle of wine... SMART (and fun!). That's exactly what I would do next time- I'm sure that bottles of wine are super authentic to this time period!

WE WON! When you arrive at Medieval Times you are assigned to a colour, which corresponds with the knight you will cheer for that evening. We were green, and our green knight was the winner! It was so exciting! Even better, all the knights come out into the lobby and take pictures. It was such a thrill for my little sweetie to stand beside the green knight and get his picture taken!

Winner, winner chicken dinner!

 All in all, it was such an amazing evening- I cannot recommend Medieval Times enough!
The entertainment factor, the food, the fun, and the absolute joy it brought my son makes this the perfect family outing!

And now, for the contest...

You too can enjoy an amazing family experience at Medieval Times (Toronto location only)! Enter with below and good luck!!!

*Honesty policy: I was provided with free passes for my son, husband and I to enjoy but my experiences, thoughts and opinions are all mine!! (legit, the food was so tasty!)


  1. I would take my boyfriend and my niece and nephew! Unfortunately they were sick when their school had a trip there and they would absolutely love it!

  2. I would definitely take my hubby and 7 year old son, we'd all love it! Thank you :-)

  3. i have never been-hope to be able to visit and take my 3 boys and hubby one day! i know they would love it!

  4. I would take my husband, my son, and our 9-year old nephew. I have never been and it is something that I would love for my son to experience.

  5. My boyfriend, because he is truly the only child in my life. And we have both never been somehow (despite both our elementary schools having trips to it - way back when we went!)

  6. I would take my son and friends for his birthday. He loved it a couple of years ago and would love to go back

  7. I would take my kids and my husband. It would be so much fun!

  8. My boyfriend and friends!

  9. Who would you take with you to Medieval Times? In my case my brothers would love this sort of thing in all it's geekiness and RenFair fun!

  10. I would take my sweetheart with me: he's never been and it's always been something he's wanted to do!

  11. My older brother, who's never experienced MT.

  12. We'd take my son and his cousin. They'd have a blast!

  13. I would take my hubby and two kids

  14. I would take my 5 boys and husband! !

  15. I would take my bestest friend in the whole wide world

  16. I would take my 2 kids and husband!!

  17. I would take my little brother and best friend :)

  18. My sister, brother and my cousin

  19. I would take my cousin who loves all things castles, princesses and horses right now.

  20. My parents as they have never went before.

  21. Hubby and the kids!

    Lori R Jackson

  22. I would take my husband and daughters

    Adriana F

  23. I would take my sister and my niece & nephew.

  24. I would bring my Hubby and my kids. My kids are 5 and 6- they love dressing up as knights and princesses- they would be thrilled to see real knights and princesses right before their eyes!!

  25. I would bring my family!!! We're huge Medieval Times Fans. Love love love it!!!!! The kids get swept away in the magic. Thanks for the chance to win this for them.

  26. I would bring my family if I won!

  27. I'd bring my best friends and my boyfriend! Went there once when I was 13, would LOVE to go back again at 24 now. (rafflecopter email used: sandyroo[at]live[dot]com )

  28. I would take my son, husband and mother in law

  29. would love to drink and be merry

  30. I would take my grandchildren because they would enjoy it so much.


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