
Today is Tuesday.

Lovely day thus far- we checked out a daycare- spectacular and VERY pricey....we played, went for a walk, and now I'm enjoying a Pumpkin Spice Latte that my very lovely husband went out and bought for me.
It has been really nice having Chris home for the past couple of days. Even though he's limited in what he can do due to his hand surgery, it's so helpful just to have an extra pair of hands around.

While Zach has been a rolling machine for quite some time, he now can roll back to tummy to back to tummy, and so on. And he does it ALL THE TIME. Specifically during naps!! While I love to see him excel in the milestone department, I sure would love him to just chill out sometimes and be a baby:)

OK- off to finish cleaning my kitchen and figure out dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Your little man is adorable! Followed you here from MBC. Please come check me out at


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