We love apple picking. We've done it every year of Z's life (so, two years). I just adore being in an apple orchard. I think I have secret dreams of running off to BC with my little family to run an exquisite apple orchard where I'd have a little store with homemade baked goods and the boys would run through the orchard playing catch and Chris would make apple wine. Sigh.
But, considering my husband isn't a farmer or wine maker, I don't bake, and the boys would be more likely to beat eachother with branches from the apple trees then gently play catch, I think I'll keep it as one of those secret dreams.
So we went apple picking at Archibald Orchards- and it was amazing.
The apples were plentiful and delicious! We picked Honeycrisp, Gala, and (my personal favourite) Silken. Z loved picking.

Z and Chris had a great time finding the best apples. Z was determined to carry the bag because he's soooo big. His dad did a much better job!

Best part for me? Wine tasting after we'd picked our apples...and grabbing a few bottles for home. Some of the yummiest fruit wine I've ever had. EVER.
I want to go apple picking with the family so badly this year! And finding one with some wine involved would be just plain awesome. :)