Pray Big!

I've been reading an amazing book recently and  I wanted to share my favourite section with all you moms out there. You see, as Z is growing, I find myself praying more and more.  There is something about having a baby that has made me want to pray more then ever.  I pray that he will be safe, angels will watch over him as he sleeps, he will grow and gain weight properly.  My hubby prays that Z will love baseball, basketball, hockey, etc.... I kid- sort of!
But guess what?  They're all valid prayers!  Because if it is important to us, no matter how big or small, it's important to God.
And that, is the premise of the book PRAY BIG FOR YOUR CHILD by Will Davis Jr.

Davis talks about praying Big, Hairy, Audacious Prayers for your child.  In other words, don't be afraid to pray big- to not just ask God to help your child survive the school day, but to ask God to help your child to THRIVE at school.   Get right in there and ask God for exactly what you want for your child and believe that He will hear and answer.

My favourite part, and the part I want to share with you, comes from a section about laying a good foundation for your child through prayer.  Davis shares that a firm foundation (like the one that Daniel obviously had) can make a huge difference in the way your child grows up.  Some of the major areas of prayer that he suggests include to:
  • Pray that your child will awaken to the reality of God
  • Pray that your child will have a healthy fear of God
  • Pray that your child will develop a Godly character
  • Pray that your child will love obedience
  • Pray that God's favour will rest on your child
  • Pray that your child will grow up knowing the Scriptures
  • Pray that your child will recognize the voice of God
  • Pray that your child will marry a Godly person
These pinpoint prayers are only a fraction of what is discussed in the book, but they hit me hard.  They seem so obvious, yet so far away.  At 7 months, I'm not even thinking about Z having a spouse (or a girlfriend, or even real friends) but it is so important for Z to have a good spiritual foundation.

No matter what stage of parenthood you are in, please really think about picking up this book.  It has made a big difference in how I have been praying for my son and the upcoming obsticles and triumphs in his life.

And, whether you decide to read the book or not, feel free to share some of your prayers for your child(ren)...because, in my opinion, praying moms are some of the wisest moms out there


  1. Fabulous post!!! Sounds like a book I would enjoy :) Even this past week, there was an adult baptism at our church and hubs & I looked at each other and said how we can't wait to see M grow up and proclaim Christ for herself. Definitely the BEST foundation to give a child and never too soon to start thinking about. Thanks for posting that.

  2. I've added this book to my Christmas list! And I agree, a solid spiritual foundation is what will get my little guy through life, good times & bad. Parents aren't always there, but God is. :-)

  3. Ruth Sweet (aka "Grandma")December 9, 2009 at 10:07 AM

    A child that has a praying mother is a blessed child indeed.
    I like what Lori said, "parents aren't always there, but God is."
    What a wonderful legacy to leave your children with.


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