The Stomach

During the month of February, I completed an Ab Challenge. 28 days of ab hopes of diminishing my deflated balloon belly button.

The results?
I lost one inch in my stomach. I don't see any noticeable difference in terms of skin 'tightening' but I'm always happy to kiss an extra inch bye-bye:)

And, although I wasn't going to, I'm feeling peer pressure *you know who you are* to show what my stomach looks like after 2 kids and a 60 pound weight gain per kid, so here it is.

Check out the skin around my belly button- that wrinkly old man skin? That's what I'm trying to get rid of! Listen, I'm a curious person too so I guess it's only fair to show real-life pics when I'm talking so much about it! I'm never ever ever expecting ab definition because I, even at my skinniest, have never had it. But that loose skin (and love handles)...wouldn't mind if they all disappeared!


  1. I would die for that stomach. After 3 kids, I don't know if I will ever have a flat stomach again. Ab muscles are overrated:)

    1. Thanks! I agree- I could always get ab muscles sprayed on...right?

  2. Sarah, you look awesome! I am working on losing baby weight right now too (and all the other weight that was already there before the baby). And let me tell you, it's hard work! You have done amazingly well. You should be proud!

    1. I so appreciate your comment! It has been a tough road getting back my post-baby body but it's worth it...not just for how it looks but for how it makes me feel- and for how it makes me a better mom!


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